Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study
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- Publication date
- 2020-04-30
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- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- Topics
- covid19, vitamin d, indonisian study, mortality
- Collection
- opensource
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 17.7M
13 Pages Posted: 30 Apr 2020
Prabowo Raharusun
RSUD Kabupaten Sukamara
Sadiah Priambada
Cahni Budiarti
Erdie Agung
Cipta Budi
Date Written: April 26, 2020
This is a retrospective cohort study which included two cohorts (active and expired) of 780 cases with laboratory-confirmed infection of SARS-CoV-2 in Indonesia. Age, sex, co-morbidity, Vitamin D status, and disease outcome (mortality) were extracted from electronic medical records. The aim was to determine patterns of mortality and associated factors, with a special focus on Vitamin D status. Results revealed that majority of the death cases were male and older and had pre-existing condition and below normal Vitamin D serum level. Univariate analysis revealed that older and male cases with pre-existing condition and below normal Vitamin D levels were associated with increasing odds of death. When controlling for age, sex, and comorbidity, Vitamin D status is strongly associated with COVID-19 mortality outcome of cases.
Note: Funding: The study was not funded by external sources.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Ethical Approval: The requirement for informed consent was waived by the Ethics Commission.
Keywords: COVID-2019, Infectious disease, Mortality, Vitamin D
JEL Classification: I12, I18, I28
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Prabowo Raharusun (Contact Author)
RSUD Kabupaten Sukamara ( email )
Kec. Sukamara, Kabupaten Sukamara
Kalimantan Tengah, 74171
Sadiah Priambada
Independent ( email )
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Cahni Budiarti
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Erdie Agung
Independent ( email )
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Cipta Budi
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- Addeddate
- 2020-05-05 11:02:10
- Identifier
- ssrn-id-3585561
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t7zm42w51
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